
Mana Vooru-Mana Badi Admission Campaign Program Activities,Schedule in AP schools

Activities, Schedule of "Mana Vooru-Mana Badi" Campaign Programme in AP schools

Activities, Schedule of Mana Vooru-Mana Badi Campaign Programme in AP schools. District Level, Mandal Level ,School Level Activities, Schedule of Mana Vooru-Mana Badi Campaign Programme in AP schools, Various Levels Roles in AP Mana Vooru-Mana Badi Campaign Programme.
Roles of the District Level Team:
1. Plan and lead on the "Mana Vooru-Bana Badi" campaign.
2. Ensure participation of public representatives like MLAs, MLCs, ZP Chairpersons, community leaders, etc. in the formal launch of campaign.
3. Coordinate with PO, SSA for developing and supplying of required publicity material, admit cards, registers, etc.
4. Delineate the roles and responsibilities of Sectoral officers and CRPs of SSA in working with the field teams to mobilize parents and ensure high enrollment.
5. Coordinate with MEOs and other field officers and ensure that the entire programme is conducted as per the schedule
6. Submit a compliance report to the CSE, A.P., Hyderabad.

Roles of the Mandal Level Team:
1. The Mandal level team should plan and lead on the Mandal and school level campaign.
2. They should ensure that all habitations in the Mandal are covered in the campaign through participation of the local public representatives. MPDO, MEO should take up joint action along with the concerned CDPO, Supervisors of Anganwadi Centers to ensure that all children completing 5 years of age in the AWC are admitted to nearby MPP/Government School.
3. The CDPO, Supervisor should provide the data of all children completing 5 years to the Headmaster /Teacher of the nearby Primary Schools for taking up the admission process.
4. The MEO should coordinate with Head Masters and School Management Committees in the Mandal to ensure the admission of school aged children, drop out children and out of school children is done in the nearby Government Schools in the Mandal.
5. The details of the admissions made in different schools in the mandal should be data entered on the CSE portal using the MEO login provided.

School Level Activities:
1. Details of 5 years completed children should be obtained from the local AWCs. Similarly details of the students completing 5th class in the Primary Schools in the catchment area should be obtained.
2. A meeting should be held with the AWW and the parents of the children completing 5 years of age. They should be made aware of the benefits of joining the children in the Govt. Schools. They must be assured that good quality education will be provided to their wards.
3. The details of admissions made should be entered in the Admissions Register.
4. An admission card is to be issued to all the students getting admitted to the next class clearly indicating the class in which she/he shall be admitted to for the next academic year 2016-1 7 ..
5. HM should submit a daily report to the MEO on the admissions made in his/ her respective school
6. All students successfully completing V Class in a Primary School should be admitted to the High School by required coordination between the High School HM and the Primary School HM/Teacher.
7. The teacher should identify the catchment area around the school vicinity and ensure that maximum number of children are enrolled in the School.
8. While making efforts for such enrolment, the HM/Teacher should enlist the support of School Management Committee Members, Local leaders, teachers and Head Masters of schools in the catchment area, NGOs, if any, working in the area, etc.
9. After a thorough survey in the locality children studying in Government schools, children studying in Private schools, Drop out/ Out of School children should be identified and all efforts made to admit them to the next class for the academic year 2016 - 17.
10. The above details should be entered in a register to be maintained by the School Head Master and Teacher.
11. The Chairman and Convener should arrange for holding a rally in the early hours of the day with all stake holders at school level. Banners, Placards should be displayed during the rally highlighting the benefits provided by the Government.
12. The Brochure/ Pamphlets developed by SSA should be distributed to every parent.
13. On the same day of rally. a school assembly should be organized with
all the stake holders. The Head Master should display the details of children as entered in the register. He/She also should discuss with all stake holders the plan and procedure to admit the children in Government School.
14. An amount of Rs. 2500/-to 5000/- may be utilized (commensurate with the enrolment to be made in the School) from School Management Committee funds to meet the expenditure towards conduct of rally, school assembly and various activities relating to the "Mana Vooru- Mana Badi" Campaign for admissions 2016.
15. All the teachers should participate in the program.

Schedule of activities:
1. The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh will launch the "Mana Vooru-Mana Badi "Campaign on 20.04.2016 at Kadapa at 05.00 PM.
2. Completing the School Admissions for the academic year 2016 - 17 between 20.04.2016 and 05.05.2016 

#"Mana Vooru-Mana Badi"|AP Schools Admissions Campaign  2016-17 Guidelines

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