
APPSC Departmental Tests Important Instructions to Candidates.

APPSC Departmental Tests Important  Instructions to Candidates.

1) Candidates applying for Translation Test (Paper Code No. 19 and 28) should invariably mention the language for Paper Code No. 28.

2) Second Class Language Test will be held in various Languages, i.e., Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil & Urdu.

3) In the case of Gujarathi and Marwari Language Tests (Paper Code Nos. 6 & 7), the Application should be forwarded by the Head of the Department as an evidence to claim his/her eligibility as per relevant Rules.

4) Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department of Higher Standard/Lower Standard/and the Translation Test, will be conducted in Telugu/Urdu/Hindi/Tamil/Kannada/ Oriya/Marathi. The Candidate should also opt the language in which he/she desires to appear in addition to English for the Translation Test in the Application Form. Otherwise the Application will be rejected.

5) Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department (Advanced Standard) will be conducted in Telugu and Urdu only.

6) Staff of the Survey and Land Records Department may answer "Surveyor's Test" Higher Grade/ Lower Grade and "Survey & Settlement Surveyor's Test" Higher Grade/ Lower Grade, in one language only i.e., either in English or Telugu or Urdu.

7) Candidates possessing Law Degree can seek exemption from passing Ist and 2nd papers of Criminal Judicial Test. Such candidates must furnish the information in the Application Form. (See instruction under Para 5(e) of the Notification). Others should however appear for all the papers at a time for Criminal Judicial Test as per rules.

8) Candidates applying for "Deputy Inspectors Test" have to appear for all the three papers in their first attempt. In subsequent attempts, however, they can appear for each paper separately. For Papers on "Educational Statistics" Public Instructions Report for the year 1980-81 is prescribed. The candidates who have applied previously should furnish the information in the Application Form.

9) Candidates should pass all the parts of Second Class/Third Class Language Tests at a time as per the revised scheme of examination in terms of G.O.Ms.No. 190, GA (Ser. C) Department, dt: 18/04/2002. However, candidates appearing for Paper Codes 5, 6 and 7 will be admitted to the Parts B, C & D (Viva-Voce) only, if they pass the Part-A Written Examination. They will be informed of the date and place of the Oral Test separately at appropriate time.

10) The Question Papers for Departmental Tests will generally be in English only. However for (i) "Surveyor's Test" (Higher Grade/ Lower Grade) (ii) "Survey and Settlement Surveyors Test"(Higher Grade/ Lower Grade) and (iii) "Translation Tests", the question papers will be in the chosen language, besides English.

11) You will not be admitted to the Examination Hall TEN minutes after the commencement. You should not leave the examination hall till the expiry of the full time.
12) While coming to examination hall, please bring your hall ticket, smooth writing pad, ball point pen (Blue/Black).
13) You are permitted to use calculators, scientific calculators, but you are not allowed to bring programmable calculators, cell phones, pagers and other electronic gadgets to the examination hall.

14) Please check the Answer Sheet and read the instructions on it as well as test booklet carefully.  You should write with PEN your Hall Ticket Number, Paper Codes, Name, Subject, Contra at appropriate places only. Writing with Pen at wrong places will lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet.

15) You should put your signature and get the signature of the invigilator at the appropriate places in the Answer Sheet.

16) You will be supplied carbonless OMR Answer Sheet consisting of two copies, the original copy and the duplicate copy below. Do not attempt to separate or displace them while answering and after completion of examination you should hand over the Original OMR Sheet (top sheet) to the invigilator and carry the bottom sheet (duplicate) for his/her record.

17) You should use only Ball Point Pen {Blue/Black) to encode your Hall Ticket Number, Paper Code and Test Booklet Series (A or B or C or D)and for bubbling of Answers at appropriate places in the Answer Sheet. Failure to encode/wrong encoding will lead to invalidation of Answer Sheet. Use of whitener is prohibited and it will lead to invalidation of Answer Sheet.

18) You should not mark Answer Choices on the Test Booklet (Question Paper) under any circumstances.

19) You are prohibited from communicating, consulting or conversing with other candidates in the Examination hall or causing disturbances in any manner whatsoever.

20) You should compulsorily handover the Answer Sheet to invigilator after completion of Examinations otherwise action will be initiated as per rules.

21) Penal provisions of the A.P. Public Examinations (Prevention of Mal practice & Unfair Means) Act 1997 (Act No.25/97) shall be invoked if malpractice & Unfair means are adopted by you, at any stage of examination and you will be debarred from writing any APPSC examination in future.

22) Your admission to the examination is provisional, subject to satisfy the eligibility and other conditions as laid down in the Notification.

23) Violation of any of the instruction may lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet besides penal action.

24) Candidates appearing for "Survey Department Tests" should bring their own set of instruments such as scales and bits and Scientific Calculators, if any, required for answering the question. Special Forms, if any required for Survey Department Test will be supplied to the candidates in the examination hall.

25) The candidate is permitted to bring bare acts only. Guides, books containing commentaries, made easy, written or roneoed books, diaries, notes supplied by the training institutes & hand books are not permitted into the examination hall. Scientific calculators are also not allowed into the examination hall except for survey departmental tests.

26) The candidate should read the instructions carefully given on the backside of Barcode Answer Sheet, which is attached to the Main Answer Book and fill-in the columns of Barcode Answer Sheet legibly and encode properly in Examination Hall. For any Violation, the answer script will be invalidated.
27) Important instructions: writing of symbols or any type of identification marks including register number etc., anywhere inside the OMR sheet/answer script, and using of ball pens other than blue or black ink, and sketch pens of any colour on the OMR sheet/answer script are strictly prohibited. In case of violation, such answer script will be invalidated.

28) The candidate should read the instructions carefully given along with the Hall Ticket and follow it scrupulously. Any violation will be viewed seriously and suitable action will be taken besides cancellation of candidature as per rules. The candidate is also advised to retain his/her Hal/- ticket for future purpose with attestation of Chief Superintendent of the examination centre.

29) The application of the candidate is admitted provisionally subject to reconciliation of the fee from the Bank.

i) The results of the candidates who are provisionally declared to have passed the Tests will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Commission’s Office.  The results of the Departmental Tests will be available in the Commission’s Official Website “http://www.apspsc.gov.in”. Which would be considered as authentic publication for extending all benefits to the candidates who are provisionally declared to have passed the Tests" Vide Go.Ms.No.591, dt: 20-10-2011.

ii) No individual pass certificate will be issued to the candidates by the Commission.

i) Marks will, however, be supplied to candidates, who are not successful at the Examination, on payment of Rs. 25/- through crossed I.P.O./Bank Draft payable to the Additional Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commission, Hyderabad. Such requisitions along with a photo copy of Hall Ticket should be made within ONE MONTH from the date of display of results on the Commission's Office Notice Board. Requisitions without a photo copy of Hall Ticket are not entertained.
ii) RECOUNTING OF MARKS: - Revaluation of Answer sheets will not be entertained under any circumstances. However, the recounting of marks will be considered for conventional Type (written) Test only (see Rule 5 (h)) within 15 days from the date of publication of results on Payment of Rs.50/- for each paper.

a) Candidate is liable to be debarred from appearing for any examination permanently or for such term of years as the Commission may think fit:
(i) If incorrect information is furnished in Application or elsewhere, or makes a false declaration regarding eligibility, Service etc.
ii) If he/she is found guilty of malpractice of any kind in the Examination hall.
iii) If he/she behaves improperly towards the Chief Superintendent/ Invigilators/Deputed Officials of APPSC in the Examination Hall.
iv) If he/she applies to a Test before the expiry of the period of debarment.
(v) The Commission has the right to cancel the result of the candidates whose applications were rejected or who are involved in malpractice or found to be under debarment period or if the information furnished in the Application is found incorrect at any time.

b) If the candidate was debarred earlier by the Commission, the relevant details should be furnished in the Application Form. Otherwise the application will be rejected and suitable action will be taken as deemed fit.

c) If a debarred candidate is already in the service of the Government, he/she will be liable for disciplinary action under appropriate rules by the competent authority and an entry will be made in the S.R , to that effect by the Controlling Officer.

d) The penal provisions of Act No. 25/97 published in A.P. Gazette No. 35 Part-IV-B Extraordinary, dated: 21.08.1997 shall be invoked, if malpractice and unfair means are noticed at any stage of examination.

12. Communications running in the name of Pleader or Agent, will receive no attention.

Commission's Decision to be Final:
The decision of the Commission pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, conduct of examination and at all consequent stages shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned, under the powers vested with it under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Commission also reserves its right to alter and modify regarding terms and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to publication of results in A.P. Gazette, duly intimating details thereof to all concerned, as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process.
APPSC Departmental Tests

#APPSC Deartmental Tests Important Instructions to Candidates
#APPSC Deartmental Tests  Hall Tickets.
#APPSC Departmental Tests Notification.

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