
MDM SMS Based daily monitoring system(ARMS), How to Register HMs Mobile Number to send Data through SMS

MDM daily monitoring system(ARMS), Registration of HMs Mobile Number to send Data through SMS- MDM Data SMS Formats. MDM SMS Based Monitoring System/MDM Monitoring through SMS(ARMS) in TS Schools. MDM daily monitoring system, How to Register HMs Mobile Number to send Data through free SMS service.MDM Data SMS Formats,MDM Data Transfer through SMS Format, Registration of HMs for Free SMS Based MDM Monitoring Service, Instructions to Send MDM Daily report through SMS | MDM daily monitoring system of TS Schools. Free SMS Based MDM Monitoring Service DSE TS by Technology, School Education Department of Telangana State has started SMS Based MDM information, Instructions to Send MDM Daily report through SMS . Instructions to Send Daily SMS of MDM opted Children information in TS Schools, MDM daily meals taken data, DSE,Telangana,Hyderabad instructions to Send Daily MDM School wise meals taken Children, MDM implementation guidelines, SMS based reporting started in all the districts to monitor the MDM programme implementation, MDM Particulars send through SMS Details in Telangana, Summer MDM Particulars send through SMS Details in Telangana. School Education – Monitoring of Daily attendance of students information on Mid day meals, Monitoring Daily MDM Attendance send S.M.S.

MDM Daily Monitoring through SMS

MDM SMS Based Monitoring System, TS Schools,MDM Monitoring through SMS(ARMS)
SUB:- SE DEPARTMENT - MID DAY MEAL SCHEME - Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme - SMS based Monitoring System - Certain instructions issued - Reg.

All the District Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that the Government of India is reviewing the Automated Reporting and Monitoring System by way of SMS on Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme on daily basis. Further, they are informed that daily number of students present to the school is also included in the SMS format.
Therefore, they are requested to inform all the Head Masters to send daily SMS to 15544 regarding meal taken and number of students present in the format.


ఇకమీదట రోజు తిన్నవారి సంఖ్య తో పాటు హాజరు అయిన విద్యార్థుల సంఖ్య కూడా పంపాల్సి ఉంటుంది. SMS పంపే విదానం EX : MDM 30 32 ( MDM సింగల్ స్పేస్ తిన్నవారి సంఖ్య సింగల్ స్పేస్ హాజరైన వారి సంఖ్య)

పంపవలసిన నెం. 15544

MDM <space>meal taken number <space> number of students present

Ex:- MDM 30 32 (in case 32 students present and meals taken is 30 students)

Also Head Masters should send enrolment of students monthly once in the format
MDM <space>M<space> enrolment of students <space>Y<space>Y
Ex:- MDM M 30 Y Y (if enrolment is 30)

Further they are requested to see that the SMS should be sent by all the HMs of the schools on daily basis and enrolment monthly once.

Send SMS to 15544

Daily SMS New Format:
MDM <space>meal taken number <space> number of student present
Ex:- MDM 30 32
(in case 32 students present and meal taken is 30 students)

Monthly SMS New Format:
Also Head Masters should send enrolment of students monthly once in the format
MDM <space>M<space> enrolment of students <space> Y<space> Y
Ex:- MDM M 30 Y Y
(if enrolment is 30)

 ఇక నుండి మన స్కూల్ MDM మెసేజ్ చేరిందా లేదా మొత్తం వివరాలు ఏ రోజుకా రోజు మనం తెలుసుకోవచ్చు.*
 ముందుగా క్రింది లింక్ క్లిక్ చేయండి.* 

  తరువాత Telangana క్లిక్ చేయాలి. 

 తరువాత మన జిల్లా పేరు -> మన మండలం పేరు ->మన క్లస్టర్ (కాంప్లెక్స్) పేరు మీద Click చేస్తే మన స్కూల్ పేరు ఎదురుగా అన్ని వివరాలు కనిపిస్తాయి. 

Rc.No.202/MDM/2015 Dt:28.01.2017: School Education -Monitoring of Mid Day Meals Scheme through technological intervention such as SMS.-Certain Instructions issued - Reg. Ref : Memo NO 295/Prog.II/A2/2017, SE Department. Dt. 16/01/2017

Instructions to Send MDM Daily report through SMS | MDM daily monitoring system of TS Schools.
All the District Educational Officers in the State are here by informed that the Government has decided to implement the Automated Reporting System in implementation of Mid Day Meals Scheme in the State. In this regard, the mobile numbers of all the Head Masters have been obtained from the District Educational Officers and the same have been uploaded & validated in the concerned website. While enclosing the list of Schools and Mobile numbers activated all the District Educational Officers are directed to take the following necessary action to start the SMS Based Automated Reporting System with effect from 30.01.2017.

How to Register HMs for Free SMS Based MDM Monitoring Service:

Steps to Register HMs Mobile Number and send data through SMS
1. All the Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters whose mobiles numbers have already been activated shall send SMS to Toll Free No. 15544 as MDM <Space> A.

2. This data should be sent every day.

4. In case of change in mobile numbers, the same has to be brought to the notice of Sri N.Sridhar, DPO, O/o. DSE office, Mobile Na. 9618403032.

5. All the District Educational Officers are instructed to send the mobile numbers of the HMS which are not included in the list in the prescribed proforma to
Email ID:dpo-cdse@telangana.gov.in&mdm_ts@yahoo.com.

Top priority should be given to this item of work and any deviation shall be viewed seriously.

#MDM Daily monitoring through SMS,HMs Mobile Number Registration Rc.202

MDM Data SMS Formats

SMS Format SMS Business logic
SMS Keywords MDM – Keyword for daily data MDM M - Keyword for monthly data MDM A – Keyword for mobile verification MDM P – Modification of already registered mobile number MDM H – MDM Help
Daily Data Reporting MDM number of meal served reason sub reason e.g. MDM 0, MDM 30 If 0 then send SMS with proper reason and sub reason code MDM 0 1 1
  e.g. MDM 0 D1, MDM 30 D2

Reason Code:
 1 if “Food grain not available”,
2 if “Cook not available”,
3 if “Fuel/ Ingredients not available”,
4 if “Packages not received from NGO/SHG”,
5 if “Holiday in school”,
 6 if “Other Reason”.
  Sub Reason Code:
 Value-1: Please enter 1 if “food grains not received”,
2 if “food grains damaged”,
3 if “insufficient food grains.

 Value-2: Please enter 1 if “insufficient fuel”,
2 if “cook salary not paid”,
3 if “cook quitted”.
The official enters either the number of meals served or the numeric value 0 (Zero). In case, no meal is served, In case of multiple mapping of school the respondent will suffixed the school order (D1, D2) after MDM data figure.
Value-3: Please enter 1 if “food grains not received”,
2 if “insufficient funds for cooking”,
3 if “insufficient ingredients”. 

Value-4: Please enter 1 if “vendor not received payments”, 2 if “damaged in transit”
Monthly Data Reporting MDM M number of enrolment Funds >Food e.g. MDM M 0 Y Y, MDM M 30 Y N The official enters the number of enrolment, fund available and food grains available on monthly basis.
Request for verification of mobile number MDM A The official enters the code for mobile verification and activation
Request for modification of mobile number MDM P Old Number <space> New Number The official enters their new mobile number for mapping and sends SMS through existing registered old mobile number.
MDM Help MDM H This will give the mapping detail of user/respondent.

Director Of School Education: Telangana State: Hyderabad instructions to Send Daily MDM School wise meals taken information through SMS, Headmasters have to send daily SMS of MDM to a Toll Free Number | To send Free SMS on Mid Day Meals Scheme they Have to Register first through their Official Phone Number ( Official mobile Number means phone number has already given at MRC Contacts and in UDISE ). MDM Data Transfer through SMS Format , Daily Data Reporting, Monthly Data Reporting, Request for verification of mobile number, Request for modification of mobile number,MDM Help  details are provided.

#MDM Data Transfer through SMS Format

MDM SMS Based Monitoring System - MDM Monitoring through SMS(ARMS) -MDM daily SMS based monitoring system in TS Schools - MDM Data Transfer through SMS Format: MDM Data Transfer through SMS Format, MDM SMS Based Automated Reporting System was started. MDM Monitoring through SMS(technological intervention), ARMS in MDMS, Automated Reporting and Management System in implementation of Mid Day Meals Scheme, Automated Reporting System- sending of MDM taken report by SMS. Updatation of data in CDSE portal and trgmdm.nic.in portal, MDM data reporting by SMS, MDM Data collection through SMS, Mobile App, Web/ Send SMS on daily basis in SMS Format to 15544 for MDM implementation and Monitoring. SMS on Daily Basis for MDM Monitoring MDM sms based monitoring system,mdms monitoring through sms(arms), mdm daily sms based monitoring system in ts schools,mdm taken report data transfer through sms format,mdm taken report

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