
MJPTBCWREIS TS BC Gurukulams 6th,7th,8th admission test 2020 Applications Telangana BC Residentials Entrance Test @ mjpabcwreis.cgg.gov.in

MJPTBCWREIS BC Gurukulams TS BC Residentials 6th,7th,8th Classes Admission Test 2020| Apply Online at mjpabcwreis.cgg.gov.in notification, applications, halltickets,Results-Merit List: Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana BC Residential 6th,7th,8th Classes Admission Test 2020. MJPTBCWREIS VI,VII,VIII Classes Admissions 2020-21. Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Residential 6th,7th,8th Classes Admission Test 2020. TS BC Welfare Residential Entrance Test 2020, MJPTSBCWREIS CET 2020, Apply Online on www.mjpabcwreis.cgg.gov.in, Mahatma Jyothiba Phule TS BC Welfare Educational Institutions Society VI, VII, VIII Classes Admissions 2020-21 notification,online applications, how to apply, eligibility criteria, age Limit, educational qualifications,exam date, hall tickets,results, selection list details are given here.

MJPTBCWREIS TS BC Welfare Residential Schools Admissions 2020-21:
MJP TS BC Welfare 6th,7th,8th Classes Entrance test 2020, Mahatma Jyothiba Phule TS BC Residential 6th,7th,8th Classes Admission Test 2020: MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th,8th Class Entrance Test Notification 2020: Telangana State Mahatma Jyothiba Phule BC Welfare Educational Institutions Society has issued MJPTSBCWREIS 6th, 7th, 8th Classes Admission test Notification 2020 in May 2020. This Entrance Test Notification 2020 for admissions into VI, VII, VIII Classes(English Medium) in TS MJP BC Welfare Residential Schools in the Telangana State for the academic year 2020-2120. The MJPBCWREIS invites online applications from the eligible candidates of 33 Districts for admission into 6th, 7th, 8th Classes in its MJPTSBC Welfare Residential SchoolsThe schools are located all over Telangana State with classes V to X. The medium of instruction in these institutions is English. As per Right to Education Act, Continuous Comprehensive and Evaluation (CCE) method is being implemented in these schools with State syllabus.

TS BC Residentials 6th,7th,8th Classes Admission Test 2020-21

Notification - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
MJP TS BC Welfare 6th, 7th Class Entrance test 2020 (TS BC Gurukul CET)
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3. దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°šేà°¯ు à°µిà°§ానము: à°…à°­్యర్à°¡ుà°²ు à°…à°°్హతలు పరిà°¶ీà°²ింà°šుà°•ొà°¨ి ఆన్à°²ైà°¨్à°²ో tsrjdc.cgg.gov.in/ à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°°ూ.50/- à°šెà°²్à°²ింà°šి 01/02/2020 To 29/02/2020 à°²ోà°—ా దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోగలరు.

à°–ాà°³ీà°²ు, దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°šేà°¯ు à°µిà°§ాà°¨ం, పరీà°•్à°·ా à°•ేంà°¦్à°°ాà°²ు మరిà°¯ు à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°µివరాలతో à°•ూà°¡ిà°¨ సమాà°šాà°° పత్à°°à°®ు à°•ొà°°à°•ు tsrjdc.cgg.gov.in à°µెà°¬్ à°¸ైà°Ÿ్ à°šూడగలరు...

MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th,8th Classes Admission Test 2020 Notification:
Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society has issued MJPTSBCWREIS 6th, 7th Admission Notification 2020  . This Entrance Test Notification 2020 for admissions into VI, VII,VIII Classes(English Medium) in TS MJP BC Welfare Residential Schools in the Telangana State for the academic year 2020-21. The MJPBCWREIS invites online applications from the eligible candidates for admission into 6th, 7th,8th Classes in its MJPTSBC Welfare Residential Schools. MJP TS BC Welfare 7th Class Entrance test 2020 notification released.  Entrance Test is 15/03/2020 10:00 AM To 12:00 PM

Admission pattern in Residential Schools & Colleges:
The ratio for admission of students into BC Residential Schools is as follows: BC-A: 20%, BC-B: 28%, BC-C:3%, BC-D: 19%, BC-E: 4%, SC: 15%, ST: 6%, EBC: 2% and Orphans: 3%.
Admission pattern in Residential Schools meant for Fishermen Community:
Fishermen children: 46%, BC-A: 7%, BC-B: 10%, BC-C: 1%, BC-D: 7%, BC-E: 4%, SC: 15%, ST: 6%, EBC: 1%, Orphans: 3%. Budget : Government of Telangana provide entire budget under Grant in Aid (non-plan) towards maintenance of the above institutions.

Age limit for VI, VII, VIII Classes Admissions:

Age limit for 6th Class Entrance Test 2020:
1) SC and ST students should have not exceeding 14 years as on 31-08-2020
2) Other students (OC, BC, SC-Converted Christians(BC-C) students) should have not exceeding 12 years as on 31-08-2020

Age limit for 7th Class Admissions:
For VII Class Entrance Test:
1) SC and ST students should have not exceeding 15 years as on 31-08-2020
2) Other students(OC, BC, SC-Converted Christians(BC-C) students) should have not exceeding 13 years as on 31-08-2020

Age limit for 8th Class Admissions:
For VIII Class Entrance Test: SC / ST students should have born between 01.09.2004 to 31.08.2008 and (12 years to 16 years but not completed the 16years) and OC / BC / SC-Converted Christians (BC-C) should have born between 01.09.2006 to 31.08.2008 (12 years to 14 years but not completed the 14 years).

READ | TGCET 2020 TS Gurukulams 5th Class Common Entrance test 2020 for sc,st,bc students

Educational qualification for VI, VII Classes Admissions 2020:
Educational qualification for 6th Class Admissions: For Class VI Admissions:
The Students should be bonafide of Class V during the academic year 2018-2020 in any Government School or any recognized school of Telangana State.
1) The candidates should have studied continuously in the respective district for the two academic years (2018-2019) and (2019-2020) in a Government school or in a school recognized by the Government of Telangana.
2) During the academic year 2019-2020, the candidate must be a bonafide student of Class V in a recognized school.

Educational qualification for 7th Class Admissions:
For Class VII Admissions:
The Students should be bonafide of Class VI during the academic year 2019-2020 in any Government School or any recognized school of Telangana State.
1) The candidates should have studied continuously in the respective district for the two academic years (2018-2019)and 2019-2020 in a Government school or in a school recognized by the Government of Telangana.
2) During the academic year 2019-2020, the candidate must be a bonafide student of Class VI in a recognized school.

c) Educational qualification For Class VIII Admissions:
The Students should be bonafide of Class VII during the academic year 2019-2020 in any Government School or any recognized school of Telangana State.
1) The candidates should have studied continuously in the respective district for the two academic years 2018-2019 and (2018-2019) in a Government school or in a school recognized by the Government of Telangana.
2) During the academic year 2019-2020, the candidate must be a bonafide student of Class VII in a recognized school.

Income Limit:
1. The Parental income for the year 2019-2020 should not exceed Rs.1,50,000/- per annum for rural area students and not exceed 2,00,00/- per annum for the urban area students
2. The candidates can apply through online to any MJPBCWR School of the district for which he/she belongs.

Selection of Process: 
Selections of the process through Entrance Test. Admissions through counselling for selected candidates.

 Important Dates for TS BC Welfare 6th/7th/8th Class entrance test:
1. Submission of online applications: From 01-02-2020 to 29-02-2020
2. Hall tickets download from 07-03-2020
2. Date of Entrance Examination: 15-03-2020
For more details please visit the  nearest MJP TS BC residential school

How to Apply:
Before filling the application through online with the required details and supporting certificates, it is essential that candidates read the information already uploaded in the website mjptbcwreis.cgg.gov.in. Candidates can submit application form online through website mjpabcwreis.cgg.gov.in / http://mjptbcwreis.cgg.gov.in/default.aspx or visiting any Meeseva Kendra. There is a Rs.50/ registration fee for submission of online application.

#MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th Classes Admission Test 2020 Notification.

Prospectus - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES

# Online application for MJPTBCWREIS 6th,7th,8th   admission test 2020

  1. VI Class Vacancies for - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
  2. VII Class Vacancies for - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
  3. VIII Class Vacancies for - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
  4. Annexure-I Sample-OMR - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
  5. Annexure-II List of Schools - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES
  6. Notification for - TSMJBC VI, VII & VIII CLASS for the academic year(2020-21) for BACKLOG VACANCIES 

#MJPTBCWREIS TS BC Welfare 6th,7th CET Results, Merit List 2020

MJP TS BC Welfare 6th, 7th Class Entrance test 2020 (TS BC Gurukul CET), Mahatma Jyothiba Phule TS BC Residential 6th, 7th Class Admission Test 2020: MJPTBCWREIS 6th, 7th Class Entrance Test Notification 2020: Telangana State Mahatma Jyothiba Phule BC Welfare Educational Institutions Society would issued MJPTSBCWREIS 6th, 7th Class Admission test Notification 2020. This Entrance Test Notification 2020 for admissions into VI Classes (English Medium) in TS MJP BC Welfare Residential Schools in the Telangana State for the academic year 2020-2021. The MJPBCWREIS invites online applications from the eligible candidates of 33 Districts for admission into 6th, 7th Class in its MJPTSBC Welfare Residential Schools.

Tags: MJP TS BC Welfare 7th Class Entrance test 2020 notification released. Apply from April 1st
Last date to apply for 7th Class Entrance Test is April 15 & for 6th Class Entrance Test is April 10
 6th, 7th Class Entrance test 2020 to be held on ......-2020 TS BC Gurukul CET Results 2020, Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Residential VI, VII, VIII Classes Admission Test Results 2020, 6th, 7th and 8th Classes Admission Notification 2020,TS BC Welfare Residential Entrance Test Results 2020, MJPTSBCWREIS CET Results 2020, Apply Online on www.mjpabcwreis.cgg.gov.in, Mahatma Jyothiba Phule TS BC Welfare Educational Institutions Society VI, VII, VIII Classes Admissions 2020. Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Eligibility Criteria, Important dates, How to Apply, Online Application available at mjpabcwreis.cgg.gov.in

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