
TS SSC/10th Class Revised Hall Tickets 2020 | BSE Telangana SSC 2020 Hall tickets download.

TS SSC/10th class New Hall Tickets June 2020 | BSE Telangana SSC 2020 Hall tickets download from portal.bsetelangana.org : TS SSC/10th class Hall Tickets 2020 | BSE Telangana SSC 2020 Hall tickets download. TS SSC Hall Tickets Download , TS SSC 10th class exams 2020 halltickets, TS SSC 10th class hall tickets, Admit cards, Telangana SSC 2020 hall tickets, bsetelangana.org, hall.bsetelangana.org SSC 2020 hall tickets, TS SSC public exams 2020 hall tickets. It’s the time for SSC Examinations, Every SSC /10th Class Student Must Have Hall ticket 2020 to take Public Exam The Board of Secondary Education, BSE Telangana updated exam timetable for SSC public exams 2020. The exams will be held from 19th March 2020 to 06th April 2020. The exams will be held in different centers of the state and students studying in the schools that are recognized by the board will appear for the exams. candidates Can download TS SSC/ 10th class Hall ticket 2020 from http://bse.telangana.gov.in/.

Directorate of Government Examinations (SSC Board),Telangana State:
Directorate of Government Examinations is an independent department functioning under ministry of Secondary Education, Government of Telangana. The Department is responsible for conducting the SSC/OSSC Public Examinations and a number of minor examinations. Directorate of Government Examinations DGE conducts SSC/OSSC exams twice in a year and provides certification for the qualified students. Every year lakhs of students appear for the SSC annual examinations conducted by the DGE board. This DGE board also conducts advanced supplementary exams for the students who failed in the regular examinations.

వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో పదవ తరగతి హాల్ టికెట్లు*
♦పదవ తరగతి పరీక్షలు పకడ్భందీగా నిర్వహించేందుకు ఏర్పాట్లు చేస్తున్నామని ప్రభుత్వ పరీక్షల విభాగం సంచాలకులు ఎ.సత్యనారాయరెడ్డి వెల్లడించారు. పదవ తరగతి పరీక్షలకు హాజరయ్యే విద్యార్థుల హాల్‌టికెట్లు వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో పొందుపరిచిన్నట్లు తెలిపారు. విద్యార్థులు నేరుగా వెబ్‌సైట్ నుంచి హాల్ టికెట్లు డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేసుకుని పరీక్షలకు హాజరుకావచ్చని పేర్కొన్నారు. హాల్‌టికెట్లపై పాఠశాల ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయుల సంతకం అవసరం లేదని స్పష్టం చేశారు.  టెన్త్ పరీక్షలు ఉదయం 9.30 గంటలకు ప్రారంభమై మధ్యాహ్నం 12.15 గంటలకు ముగుస్తాయని అన్నారు. పదవ తరగతి పరీక్షలకు హాజరయ్యే విద్యార్థులు యూనిఫాం ధరించి రావొద్దని తెలిపారు. యూనిఫాంతో వచ్చే విద్యార్థులకు పరీక్షకు అనుమతించమని ఆయన స్పష్టం చేశారు.

♦ విద్యార్థులను ఉదయం 9 గంటల నుంచే పరీక్షా కేంద్రంలోకి అనుమతిస్తామని అన్నారు. ఉదయం తొమ్మిదిన్నర గంటలకు పరీక్ష ప్రారంభమయ్యే ముందే, విద్యార్థులు చేయాల్సిన ప్రక్రియ కొంత ఉంటుందని…వీలైనంత ముందుగానే కేంద్రాలకు చేరుకోవాలని చెప్పారు. సకాలంలో పరీక్షా కేంద్రాలకు చేరుకుని ప్రశాంత వాతావరణంలో పరీక్షలు రాయాలని సూచించారు. పదవ తరగతి పరీక్షలకు హాజరయ్యే విద్యార్థులు ఎక్కువగా తల్లిదండ్రులు లేదా ఉపాధ్యాయులతో కలిసి పరీక్షా కేంద్రాలకు వస్తారని,  ఏవైనా కారణాల వల్ల కొన్ని నిమిషాలు ఆలస్యంగా వచ్చినా అనుమతిస్తామని  తెలిపారు.

TS SSC Public Examinations June 2020:
The BSE/ Board of Secondary Education, Telangana state government has announced the Secondary School Certificate SSC Public examinations schedule / time table for the year 2020 to be conducted in the month of March 2020. TS School Education Board conducts 10th Class Exams from 19-03-2020 to 06-04-2020. The Board of Secondary Education has clearly indicated that the students of the entire Telangana state may have follow the same methodology. The SSC Public examinations will be start from  19th March 2020 with Telugu Exam.

TS SSC/10th Class Hall Tickets 2020 Download:
The TS SSC Hall Tickets 2020 will be published by TS board itself. Hall tickets will be issued to each and every student who is going to appear for the exam. The board will publish hall tickets of SSC public examson its official web page. TS SSC / 10th class public exams hall tickets to be sent to all the High Schools of Telangana state on or before 12th March, 2020 and also the Candidates may download their 10th Class annual examination Hall tickets from the bsetelangana web portal from 12th March, 2020. 10th Class Board Exams would be started from March 19, 2020.

SSC Public Examinations, June 2020 will be commencing from 19-03-2020 to 06-04-2020. Hall Tickets have already been dispatched and delivered to the candidates. The Hall tickets can also be downloaded from the following website:-  www.bse.telangana.gov.in

Students who have not received or lost the Hall tickets shall download from the website. All the Chief Superintendents are requested to allow such candidates whose Hall tickets are downloaded. They should also check up the particulars with the photo attendance sheets.

Steps to Download TS SSC Exams Hall Tickets2020
1. Visit the DGE TS Official website http://bse.telangana.gov.in
2. Search of TS SSC March 2020 Exams Hall tickets and click on it.
3. Now 10th Class Public Exams Hall ticket download page will be displayed.
4. In this page, Select your district, School and your name
5. Then click on Download Hall Ticket
6. Take Print out of your hall ticket and carry to examinations.

#TS SSC Hall Tickets 2020 Download

#TS SSC Regular Students Hall Tickets 2020
#TS SSC PrivateStudents Hall Tickets 2020
#TS SSC OSSC Hall Tickets 2020
#TS SSC Vocational Hall Tickets 2020
TS SSC/10th Class Revised Hall Tickets 2020

READ: SSC/10th Class Preperation Tips How to get 10/10 GPA in SSC Public Examinations .

READ: SSC/ 10th Maths Study Material Grade Gainer| Govt Study Material for Maths T/M and E/M Download.

All examinations will be held from 9.30 AM to 12.15 Noon. Each subject consists of 2 papers except II language. The exam is of 80 marks and 20 marks for internals. I paper of each subject is of 40 Marks , II paper is of 40 Marks. No objective paper is there. There will have the paper of including objective paper. All the arrangements have been completed for the for coming exams. Students of  high schools are appearing exams for this time.Who are studying 10th class and going to attend Public Exams in March 2020 can download Timetable and Hall Tickets from Official website bsetelangana.org .

Students who have not received or lost their Hall tickets shall download the same from the website and get them attested by the Head Master concerned / any Gazetted Officer duly affixing photographs. All the Chief Superintendents are requested to allow such candidates whose downloaded hall tickets are attested by the Headmasters of the schools concerned. They should also check up the particulars with the photo attendance sheets.

Important Instructions to SSC Exams 2020 Appearing Students:
The students who are going to write SSC Examinations, the Hall ticket/ admit card is an important document that every student needs to carry to the exam hall. The Invigilators will check your hall ticket and the details printed on it before allowing to take the exam everyday for all the exams. So, students are advised to carry the hall tickets to the exam hall without fail no matter what. Hall tickets will contain important information about the student like name, roll number, photograph etc. TS DGE to prevent mass copying flying squads and sitting squad are allotted for problematic centres. Except II language paper other subjects have two papers and each paper consists questions of 40 marks and total 80 marks for each subject. Internals carries of 20 Marks. There is no objective paper. Be ware when filling OMR sheet fill your Hall Tickets Number correctly. Failed candidates, Supplementary students, pvt students, and next June/July they have to write exams in CCE model only.Students should reach the exam centre 30 minutes before the exam. Students are allowed 15 min before to the exam hall. If the time exceeds 10 min (9:40 am) the students are not allowed in to the exam hall.

Time Table TS SSC /10th Class Exams 2020Revised  Time Table
Hall Tickets TS SSC 2020 Exams Time Table
ResultsTS SSC 2020 Exams Results

Tags: TS SSC Exams Hall tickets, TS SSC hall tickets, Telangana 10th class hall tickets, SSC 2020 hall tickets, TS SSC 2020 public examination Hall tickets.TS 10th Class hall tickets march 2020 - Telangana SSC Hall tickets 2020 download , Students can check and download ts/ telangana ssc / tenth public exam halltickets at manabadi.com, bse.telangana.gov.in, schools9.com

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