How to Link/ Register/ Update Your Phone Number with AADHAAR Online Aadhaar official web portal
Are u Problem getting AADHAAR OTP to your Registered/Update Mobile number ? Are you getting problem in aquire aadhaar OTP to your mobile. If your getting this problem you cant complete the Government transactions Like PAN cards, Income tax E-Filing , Pension, to get new sim card to ur moble and so on... AADHAAR is an essential Identification for every Indian at various situations including school Admission and to get some Govt Schemes such as AP Mukya Mantri Yuva Nestham Nirudyoga bruthi Registration Online. Every where it is esential to prove our identity through AADHAAR by providing OTP we get to our Registered. Even if we want to take a new Mobile number AADHAAR OTP is must. To avoid problem getting OTP your mobile ..we are updating information on this prblem to solve the problem.
How to Link/ Register/ Update Your Mobile Number with AADHAAR Online Aadhaar official web
ఆధాà°°్ ఆన్à°²ైà°¨్ à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°ిà°• à°µెà°¬్ à°ªోà°°్à°Ÿà°²్ à°¤ో à°®ీ à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబరుà°¨ు ఆధాà°°్ à°¨ెంబర్ à°¤ో à°²ింà°•్ / à°°ిà°œిà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°°ేà°·à°¨్ / à°…à°ª్à°¡ేà°Ÿ్ à°šేయడం à°Žà°²ా ???
à°®ీ à°°ిà°œిà°¸్à°Ÿà°°్à°¡్ / à°…à°ª్à°¡ేà°Ÿ్ à°®ొà°¬ైà°²్ à°¨ంబర్ à°•ు ఆధాà°°్ OTP à°¨ు à°ªొందడంà°²ో సమస్à°¯ à°‰ంà°¦ా? ఆధాà°°్ à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°®ీ à°—ుà°°్à°¤ింà°ªుà°¨ు à°¨ిà°°ూà°ªింà°šà°Ÿాà°¨ిà°•ి à°ª్à°°à°¤ిà°šోà°Ÿా AADHAAR OTP అవసరం. à°®ీ à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబరుà°¨ు ఆధాà°°్ à°¨ెంబర్ à°¤ో à°²ింà°•్ à°šేà°¯ు à°µిà°§ాà°¨ం.
How to Register /Update/Link Mobile Number to AADHAAR
Not only has Aadhaar become an important document to establish your identity and avail various government social security schemes, it is also needed for financial services like filing income tax returns (ITR) keeping your bank accounts active, and even for investing in mutual funds, insurance, and so on.
There are many advantages of linking the two. For instance, you can e-verify your ITR using Aadhaar. Here, a one-time password (OTP) is sent to the number linked with your Aadhaar. You can also update personal details linked to your Aadhaar online using an OTP which will be sent to your registered mobile number. Further, downloading e-Aadhaar requires verification via an OTP which is sent to your mobile number.
If you want to Link your Mobile Number with AADHAAR there will be two cases
1. You are linking it for the first time;
2. You have changed your mobile number and want to update your Aadhaar data by replacing the old number with the new one.
Updating your mobile number with AADHAAR
Updating a mobile number can be done online but make sure that your existing number linked to your Aadhaar, is functional and handy. This is because the OTP to authenticate the updation would be sent to your existing number. You will be able link your new mobile number with Aadhaar only after submitting the OTP sent on your old number.
Click here to Update Mobile Number Online
Link Mobile with AADHAAR for First Time
This needs to be done offline. Most online transactions are OTP (one-time-password) authenticated, i.e., the password is sent to the registered number. Since you are linking your number for the first time, online authentication is not possible. To do this offline you need to follow these steps:
Visit your nearest Aadhaar centre to get the Aadhar Update/Correction Form or download it from the UIDAI websit
Download Form to Link Mobile with AADHAAR
Search Tags: How to Link/ Register/ Update Your Phone Number with AADHAAR Online Aaadhaar official web portal Link Update Register your Mobile Number with AAADHAAR to OTP whenever Required
Are u Problem getting AADHAAR OTP to your Registered/Update Mobile number ? Are you getting problem in aquire aadhaar OTP to your mobile. If your getting this problem you cant complete the Government transactions Like PAN cards, Income tax E-Filing , Pension, to get new sim card to ur moble and so on... AADHAAR is an essential Identification for every Indian at various situations including school Admission and to get some Govt Schemes such as AP Mukya Mantri Yuva Nestham Nirudyoga bruthi Registration Online. Every where it is esential to prove our identity through AADHAAR by providing OTP we get to our Registered. Even if we want to take a new Mobile number AADHAAR OTP is must. To avoid problem getting OTP your mobile ..we are updating information on this prblem to solve the problem.
How to Link/ Register/ Update Your Mobile Number with AADHAAR Online Aadhaar official web
ఆధాà°°్ ఆన్à°²ైà°¨్ à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°ిà°• à°µెà°¬్ à°ªోà°°్à°Ÿà°²్ à°¤ో à°®ీ à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబరుà°¨ు ఆధాà°°్ à°¨ెంబర్ à°¤ో à°²ింà°•్ / à°°ిà°œిà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°°ేà°·à°¨్ / à°…à°ª్à°¡ేà°Ÿ్ à°šేయడం à°Žà°²ా ???
à°®ీ à°°ిà°œిà°¸్à°Ÿà°°్à°¡్ / à°…à°ª్à°¡ేà°Ÿ్ à°®ొà°¬ైà°²్ à°¨ంబర్ à°•ు ఆధాà°°్ OTP à°¨ు à°ªొందడంà°²ో సమస్à°¯ à°‰ంà°¦ా? ఆధాà°°్ à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°®ీ à°—ుà°°్à°¤ింà°ªుà°¨ు à°¨ిà°°ూà°ªింà°šà°Ÿాà°¨ిà°•ి à°ª్à°°à°¤ిà°šోà°Ÿా AADHAAR OTP అవసరం. à°®ీ à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబరుà°¨ు ఆధాà°°్ à°¨ెంబర్ à°¤ో à°²ింà°•్ à°šేà°¯ు à°µిà°§ాà°¨ం.
How to Register /Update/Link Mobile Number to AADHAAR
Not only has Aadhaar become an important document to establish your identity and avail various government social security schemes, it is also needed for financial services like filing income tax returns (ITR) keeping your bank accounts active, and even for investing in mutual funds, insurance, and so on.
There are many advantages of linking the two. For instance, you can e-verify your ITR using Aadhaar. Here, a one-time password (OTP) is sent to the number linked with your Aadhaar. You can also update personal details linked to your Aadhaar online using an OTP which will be sent to your registered mobile number. Further, downloading e-Aadhaar requires verification via an OTP which is sent to your mobile number.
If you want to Link your Mobile Number with AADHAAR there will be two cases
1. You are linking it for the first time;
2. You have changed your mobile number and want to update your Aadhaar data by replacing the old number with the new one.
Updating your mobile number with AADHAAR
Updating a mobile number can be done online but make sure that your existing number linked to your Aadhaar, is functional and handy. This is because the OTP to authenticate the updation would be sent to your existing number. You will be able link your new mobile number with Aadhaar only after submitting the OTP sent on your old number.
- On the UIDAI website, there's an option under the Aadhaar Update tab that will redirect the user to the Aadhar Self-Service portal.
- Enter your Aadhar number, and the Captcha text and request for OTP.
- The OPT will be sent to your existing mobile number, and after submitting it you'll be redirected to a new page, where you can update the desired details.
- Under 'Select field(s) to update', select 'Mobile Number'
- Now enter your new mobile number that you want to record in the database and submit.
Click here to Update Mobile Number Online
Link Mobile with AADHAAR for First Time
This needs to be done offline. Most online transactions are OTP (one-time-password) authenticated, i.e., the password is sent to the registered number. Since you are linking your number for the first time, online authentication is not possible. To do this offline you need to follow these steps:
Visit your nearest Aadhaar centre to get the Aadhar Update/Correction Form or download it from the UIDAI websit
- Fill out the form correctly submit it to the concerned person at the centre and mention on the form that only mobile number is to be updated.
- While submitting the update form, along with photocopy of your Aadhaar card you also need to provide photocopy of an Identity proof document such as PAN Card, Passport, Voter ID card ( Click here for the complete list of supporting documents).
- Following the submission your biometrics will be verified at the enrolment centre.
- Your thumb impression will be verified. While applying for Aadhaar your biometrics were recorded and to authenticate the changes, they are verified.
- After verifying the biometrics, you will be given an acknowledgement slip. Usually it takes 2-5 working days for the updation to happen but as per the UIDAI helpline the turnaround time for the updation is 10 days.
Download Form to Link Mobile with AADHAAR
Search Tags: How to Link/ Register/ Update Your Phone Number with AADHAAR Online Aaadhaar official web portal Link Update Register your Mobile Number with AAADHAAR to OTP whenever Required
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