
Telangana(TS) ITI Courses Admissions 2020 Online Application Form, Notification, Eligibility @ iti.telangana.gov.in

Telangana(TS) ITI Courses Online admissions 2020 Notification, Eligibility, Application Form @ iti.telangana.gov.in : TS ITI Admission 2020 online - Check Telangana State ITI Eligibility, Date and Application Form 2020 Admission Procedure, Application Form, Eligibility, important dates, ITI ADMISSION 2020. TS ITI Courses Online admissions 2020 notification/ Telangana ITI Online admissions 2020/ ITI Telangana Online admissions/ Last date for submission of ITI Online application forms / Seat allotment Letter/ IITI Selection list results and Merit list: Online Admissions into I.T.I.s: Telangana State ITI Online Application and Online Admission 2020 registration Process has started for the Year of 2020-20, the Interested and eligible candidates in the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Courses at the Engineering and the Non Engineering Trades those candidates can apply for the Telangana State ITI through the Online Mode for the Academic year of 2020-20. Interested candidates can check the Telangana State TS ITI Admissions 2020 Eligibility Criteria and the important dates and more information from this page and also check at the Official Website iti.telangana.gov.in. Candidates have to check the TS ITI Admissions 2020 Notification, Registration, Imp Dates Apply Online Eligibility and according to that complete the registration process on or before the last date. Download ITI Admission Application Form through accessing online at iti.telangana.gov.in.

Telangana(TS) ITI Courses Online admissions 2020 notification @ www.iti.telangana.gov.in
Government  have  permitted  the  Director,  Employment  and  Training, Telangana, Hyderabad to make admissions into Government and Private Industrial Training Institutes through online. Accordingly, a notification is issued for admissions into 54 Government I.T.I.s and 222 Private I.T.I.s in Telangana State under NCVT pattern. However, a separate Notification will be issued for the admissions into the remaining 10 Government I.T.I.s under SCVT Pattern later. Candidates are eagerly waiting for the Telangana State TS ITI Notification that when will be released by the Telangana State Educational Department,at last they have released the notification to recruit the young and the dynamic candidates for the ITI and they have started for the online application through the Online mode,interested candidates can register for the TS ITI for the Year of  2020-20.Check all the information form the Official Website of the Telangana State ITI.

 Telangana(TS) ITI Courses Admissions 2020
ఐటీఐల్లో ప్రవేశాలు-  ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేటు ఐటీఐల్లో 2020-21 విద్యా సంవత్సరంలో ప్రవేశాలకు దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానం.
తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వం
ఉపాధి మరియు శిక్షణ సంచాలకుల కార్యాలయం, తెలంగాణ, హైదరాబాద్
ITI లో అడ్మిషన్స్ 
 రాష్ట్రంలో ప్రభుత్వ ITI లు మరియు ప్రైవేట్ ITIలలో ప్రవేశం కోసం అర్హత గల అభ్యర్థుల నుంచి దరఖాస్తులు కోరబడుచున్నవి. వెబ్ సైట్ చిరునామా http://iti.telangana.gov.in

అర్హత: 10వ తరగతి 8వ తరగతి ఉత్తీర్ణులుగా విద్యార్హత కలిగిన వ్యక్తి ITI లో అడ్మిషన్ తీసుకోవచ్చు.

ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు, వెబ్ ఆప్షన్స్ దాఖలు: 

 వెరిఫికేషన్ సెంటర్ వద్ద ఒరిజినల్ సర్టిఫికెట్ తనిఖీ (వికలాంగ అభ్యర్డులు మినహాయించి):........

RDD వరంగల్/RDD హైదరాబాద్ వద్ద వికలాంగుల ఆభ్యర్థుల కోసం ఒరిజినల్ సర్టిఫికెట్ తనిఖీ: 

Telangana ITI CoursesFollowing are the ITI trades for which admissions are open-
Engineering Trade
Trade code Trade
022 Plastic Processing Operator
037 Instrument Mechanic
038 Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
040 Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)
048 Mechanic Computer Hardware
201 Mechanic Diesel
06 Carpenter
209 Plumber
212 Welder
213 Sheet Metal Worker
214 Foundryman
215 Mechanic Motor Vehicle217 Draughtsman (Civil)
218 Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioner)
219 Electronics Mechanic220 Information Communication Technology System Maintenance
221 Turner
222 Machinist
223 Machinist (Grinder)
224 Draughtsman (Mechanical)
227 Fitter231 Electrician
232 Wireman
266 Mechanic Auto Body Painting
267 Mechanic Auto Body Repair

Non-Engineering Trade
Trade code Trade
133  Dental Laboratory Technician
242 Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
248 Dress Making
112 Health Sanitary Inspector
114 Hospital House Keeping
117 Litho Offset Machine Minder
257 Pre/Preparatory School Management (Assistant)
247 Sewing Technology
259 Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (English)
076 Driver cum Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle)

Eligibility Criteria to Apply for Admissions into I.T.I.s:
a) Candidate shall be an Indian National.

b) Candidates should have passed S.S.C. Examination conducted by State Board of Secondary Education, Telanganaor any other examination recognized as equivalent such as Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE), Indian Council for Secondary Education(ICSE), National Institute of Open School (NIOS), Telangana Open School Society (TOSS), A.P. Open School Society (APOSS) and X class examination conducted by various State Boards of Secondary Education in India.

c) The candidates who have passed 8th class are also eligible for admission into certain Trades i.e.Painter General, Wireman, Carpenter, Mason (Building Constructor), Sheet Metal Worker and Welder subject to the condition that if 10th class passed/ failed candidates are not available.

d) Age Limit: Candidates who have attained the age of 14 years as on 01-08-2020 are eligible. However, there is no upper age limit.

General Instructions to the Applicants:
a) Single online application is adequate to apply for admissions into any of the Government and Private I.T.I.s in Telangana State. Physical form of application need not be submitted.
b) The applicant shall pay Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) in cash towards Application Fee at the time of verification at respective Verification Center.
c) After applying online, the options also need to be exercised in online. ITI online Admissions-2018
 d) However, mere applying does not entitle any right for the candidate to be considered for admission unless he/she satisfies all other conditions prescribed for the purpose.
e) The detailed program of admission will be notified in the leading newspapers. Program of Admission will also be available in the website and in all the Government I.T.I.s. Candidates are advised to watch for the same.
f) Candidates will be familiarized with the web counseling/Online Admissions procedure and the relevant information with regard to the seats open/Trades/Institutes are available in the website.
g) No call letters will be sent to the candidates for verification process. The communication will be made through s.m.s to the registered mobile number of candidate. However, the information will also be available in the website https://iti.telangana.gov.in.
h) At the end of admission process, no request for change of Trade / I.T.I. is permissible.
i) For any assistance, it is advised to contact helpline 8121601000 between 10.00am to 5.00pm on all working days.

 How to Apply for Admissions into I.T.I.s:
a) The applicants are advised to read all the instructions carefully.Also refer the User Manual available in the website. For further assistance, contact the helpline 7997973363.
b) The applicants shall keep Aadhar Card, Candidate Mobile Number, Candidate E-mail Address, Scanned copy of latest passport size Photograph, SSC memo or its equivalent, Caste Certificateand other certificates if any etc. ready before Appling for ITI admission.

The process of submitting application comprises ofthe following steps.
i) Registration (Creating Login ID and Password)
ii) Filling of online Application.
iii) Exercising options for ITI and Trade.
iv) Slot Booking for Verification of Certificates.
v) Verification of Certificates. 

i) Registration (Creating Login ID and Password):
a) Visit Website<https://iti.telangana.gov.in>
b) Click on “STUDENT LOGIN”.
c) Click on “NEW APPLICANT”. (If already registered click on “ALREADY REGISTERED”)
d) Enter Mobile number and E-mail ID to register.
e) Password will be sent via SMS to the Registered Mobile Number, immediately, it should not be shared to others under any circumstances.
f) Mobile Number will be the Candidate’s Login Idto submit online Admission application.

ii) Filling of online Application:
a) After logging in, click on“Apply”.
b) For “Qualification” entry, select appropriately from the drop downs (10th Pass or 10th Fail or 8th Pass).
c) Select Name of the Board, Month & Year of passingfrom drop downs.Then  enter Hall Ticket Numberwhich may capture all the details from the existingData base. (All Subjects Marks/Grade Points, Name, Father name, Mother name, Gender and Date of Birth etc.)
d) Owing to any reasons, if the details are not captured from the database, enter all the above details in the Online Application form.
e) Upload scanned copy of latest passport size photo 35mm x 45mm (not exceeding 100kb size)
f) Enter AadhaarNumber, address and other details.
g) Select the Reservation Details from drop downs.
➧ Religion (Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Sikh/Jain/Buddhist/Zorastrian)
➧ Local Status ( Local or Non-Local)
➧ Physically Handicapped (Yes or No)
➧ Ex-Serviceman (Yes or No).
h) After entering the above details, click on “View& Save”.
i) The applicants are instructed to get a “Print-out” of filled online application and ensure that the particulars are correct in all respects before final submission. If any of the particulars are found incorrect, edit the application, accordingly by using “Edit” option.

j) If the information submitted by the applicant is found false, at any point of time, the seat allotted will be cancelled, besides appropriate action will be initiated against the candidate.

iii) Exercising options for ITI and Trade:
a) After successful submission of Application,the candidate will be allowed to submit options for selecting ITI and Trade in preferential order. Please click on “Seats Open”on the menu bar of the website for the seats openfor the session August 2018in various ITIs.
b) Applicants are advised to prepare a set of ITI–Trade combinations (called “Options”) in preferential order as many options as desired, manually on a paper (for format see Annexure-V). There is no limit for number of options to be exercised. Further they are advised to consult their parents, teachers and others,before preparing such options.
c) The order of options so prepared is to be entered in the website through candidate’s login only. Applicantsare advised to enter any number of options in preferential order to avoid disappointment of not getting a seat.
d) A print out of the options so entered shall be kept as record for reference.
e) Options recorded on the last day of the schedule given for web-counseling will be frozen. Theseats will be allocated strictly basing on the merit-cumreservation and options exercised subject to eligibility in other respects.
Hence utmost care shall be taken for exercising the options.

iv) Slot Booking for Verifivation of Certificates:
a) The candidate has to book a convenient “Time Slot to attend for “Verification of Certificates” in any of the enlisted “Verification Centers”.
b) The list of Verification centers is at Annexure IVand also available in the website.
c) The Time Slot includes Place (Verification Center), Date and Session (i.e., Morning/ Evening) which need to be selected by the candidate online only while applying.
d) Once the Time Slot is booked, it cannot be changed under any circumstances.
e) The Physically Challenged candidates have to book the time slot to attend for verification of certificates at any of the two “Special Verification Centers” i.e., office of the Regional Deputy Director (App) Warangal or Office of the Regional Deputy Director (App) Hyderabad.

v) Verification of Certificates:
a) For verification of the certificates, the candidates shall attend at the selected Verification Center only on the particular date and session, which was chosen online at the time of applying at their own cost.They shall also carry the printout of Online Application alongwith all original certificates and document.
b) The physically handicapped candidates have to attend for Verification with all original certificates and documents including Physical Handicapped Certificate in the prescribed formatat any of the Two “Special Verification Centers”i.e., office of the Regional Deputy Director (App) Warangal or Office of the Regional Deputy Director (App) Hyderabad, as per the schedule specified for Physically Handicapped Candidates.
c) Only after verification of the physical ability of the candidate, the trades for which he/she is eligible for admission will be determined among the selected options.
d) The candidates shall pay Rs.10/- in cash at the respective Verification Center towards application fee.
e) There is an exception in submitting the original Transfer Certificate (TC) for verification purpose. However, theOriginal Transfer Certificate need to be submitted within a week from the date of Admission, failing which the provisional admission granted will be automatically cancelled without any notice and the resulting vacancy will be filled with other eligible candidate.
f) The Verification Officer is fully empowered to disqualify a candidate seeking admission, if he fails to submit all the original certificates. The decision of Verification Officer is final, in this regard
g) Candidates who fail to turn up for the Verification of Certificates on the chosen date and timewill have no claim on the admission into I.T.I.s. 
h) After completion of verification of certificates, the candidates are advised to collect back all original certificates from the Verification Officer and the acknowledgement slip.
Candidates attending for Certificates verification have to bring the following certificates, which are relevant to them in original for verification purpose along with two sets of attested Xerox copies.
i) “SSC Memo Marks”or its equivalent Examination (Long memo only). However, for the candidates appeared in March 2020 examinations, short memo will be allowed, if long memo has not been issued.
ii) “Caste Certificate” from Revenue Authorities, issued by officers not below the rank of Tahsildar in respect of BC, SC and ST candidates as per proforma given in Annexure-VI. The details of sub-caste and Serial number of the caste in the groups of BC / SC and ST are to be given in the Certificate.
iii) “Date of Birth Certificate” showing the Date of Birth for the candidates who have not passed SSC and passed VIII class.
iv) “Bonafide Certificate” (Certificate of study) for the entire period of education from Class IV to X to determine Local or Non-Local.
v) “Certificate of Residence” [as per the format atAnnexure-IX] for the candidates who appeared for the qualifying examination privately 7 years immediately preceding the date of commencement of relevant qualifying examination he/ she first appeared is to be produced from an Officer of Revenue Department not below the rank of TAHSILDAR.
vi) “Physically Handicapped Certificate” in the format given in Annexure-VII, issued by State/District Medical Board in case of Physical handicapped candidate (Vide G.O.Ms.No.109, Women’s Development, Child Welfare & Labour Department, Dt.15-6-1992).
 vii) “Parent’s Discharge Certificate”/ Ex-Serviceman Certificate from service in case of Ex-Servicemen and Service Certificate in case of serving personnel from competent authority. (at Annexure-VIII)
viii) “Conduct Certificate” from the Head of the Institution where last studied.
ix) “Income Certificate” issued by Tahasildar in 2020 for those who are eligible and intend to claim Fee Reimbursement.

Telangana TS ITI 2020 Reservation for admission
The mode of “Seats Allocation” will be based on “Merit-cum-Reservation” as per the rules in force.
a) Local Reservation:In the Admissions into I.T.I.s, 15% seats are open to all (both Local and Non-Local candidates). However, the remaining 85% seats will be filled by the Local Candidates only.
b) Caste Reservations: Reservation of seats in favour of SC/ST/BCA/ BCB/BCC/BCD/BCE Candidates shall be made in non-minority and other than special category institutions as per the following percentages.
Category Reservation %
SC 15%
ST 6%
BCA 7%
BCB 10%
BCC 1%
BCD 7%
BCE 4%
Physically handicapped 3%
Ex-serviceman 2%
85% seats will be filled by local candidates and rest 15% are filled by the non-local candidates.

c) Women Reservation: 33.33% of total seats in all non-minority CoEducational institutions are reserved for women candidates in eachreservation category. If sufficient numbers of candidates are not available to fill the seats reserved for women, they will be offered to the boys of the same category.

Telangana TS ITI Admission 2020- Documents/Certificates Required
Applicants are required to carry the following document and certificates in original along with the two sets of attested photocopy of each-
1 Hardcopy of filled-in application form
2 SSC Memo marks (Class 10th Mark sheet)
3 Date of Birth certificates (For those who have not qualified SSC)
4 Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority
5 Certificate of residence
6 Bonafide certificate
7 Conduct certificate from the last studied institution
8 Ex-serviceman certificate/ Parent’s Discharge Certificate
9 Income Certificate
10 Physical Handicapped certificate

Rejection of Candidates in Telangana TS ITI Admission
Candidature of the applicants will be rejected if-
1 Applicants furnish the wrong information.
2 They submit the incomplete information
3 Candidate fails to fulfill the eligibility criteria
4 Applicants fail to exercise the option online
5 They fail to visit the verification center on the specified time schedule or does not get the documents verified.

Important dates  for ITI Courses Online admissions:
1. Last date for submission of online applications: 26-06-2020
2. Certificates verification from 20-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
3. PHC Canidates certifcates verifcation from 28-06-2020
4. Display of merit lists: .....-06-2020

Telangana(TS) ITI Courses Online admissions 2020:

Telangana ITI Admission 2020 Notification  

Telangana(TS) ITI Admissions Web Options  

Telangana(TS) ITI Admissions Web Options Seat Allotment Orders 2020 Web Allotment Letter 

#ITI Admissions - 2020 ITI  Online Applications-Web options

#Click here to Login for TS ITI admissions 2020 - Fresh Online 

# Telangana TS  ITI Telangana Web Portal: https://iti.telangana.gov.in/index.php

Reporting for Admission:
a) The Provisional Allotment of Trade and I.T.I is intimated to the candidates register mobile and email address. The same information will also be available on the website.
b) Separate Seat Allotment Letter / Intimation Letters will not be sent to the candidates.
c) Candidates shall download the Provisional Seat Allotment Letter from the website through individual login
d) Candidates shall report at the allotted I.T.I. along with the Provisional Allotment Letter and all original certificates within the prescribed time.
e) The candidate shall also pay the prescribed Tuition Fee of Rs.7700/- per annum, if he is admitted into Private I.T.I. However, if the candidate gets seat in another I.T.I. during the subsequent phases/ spells, the ITI Management shall refund such Tuition fee to the candidate.
f) The candidate shall pay the prescribed Tuition Fee, if he is admitted into IMC quota seat. For fee details refer Annexure-III.
g) Candidates who fail to report in time at the allotted I.T.I. or do not pay the fee, or do not submit the original certificates, will have no claim on the admission into I.T.I.s.
h) After completion of the first spell allocation of seats, if vacancies exist, there will be sliding process in allocating such vacant seats basing on the fresh options exercised through online, in subsequent spells.

Telangana ITI Online admissions, TS ITI Courses Online admissions 2020,Online application form
Online Admissions into I.T.I.s, Eligibility Criteria to Apply for Admissions into I.T.I.s, General Instructions to the applicants, How to Apply for Admissions into I.T.I.s, Verification of Certificates, Rejection of Candidature, Reservation of seats, Mode of Seats Filling, Fee Details, Reporting for Admission and more details are given in Prospectus.

Industrial Training Institutes (I.T.I.s): The  Industrial  Training  Institutes  popularly  known  as  I.T.I.s  were established to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the domestic industry, to raise the industrial production quantitatively and qualitatively by systematic training, to reduce unemployment among the educated youth by providing the employable training, to cultivate and nurture a technical and industrial attitude in the minds of younger generation.

Industrial Training Institutes play a vital role in economy of the country especially in terms of providing skilled manpower. I.T.I.s  impart  Vocational  Training  in  various  Engineering  and  Non- Engineering Trades under Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) to produce skilled manpower required for industries.  The syllabi of various trades are formulated  by  Director  General  of  Training  (DGT),  New  Delhi  under Ministry of  Skill Development  and Entrepreneurship  (MSDE), Govt. of India

In Telangana state, there are 54 Govt. I.T.I.s and 222 Private I.T.I.s imparting training in various Trades affiliated to National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). Please refer Annexure-I for the list. There are 10 Govt. I.T.I.s imparting training under State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) pattern. Please refer Annexure-I for the list.

In the state of Telangana, the Training is imparted to the I.T.I. Trainees in 26 Engineering and 11 Non- Engineering trades with four Semesters (two years) and two Semesters (one year) duration. Please refer Annexure-II for list of Trades. About 70% of the training period is allotted to practical training and the rest to theoretical training relating to Trade theory, Workshop Calculation & Science, Engineering Drawing, Employability Skills, Library and Extra Curricular Activities etc.

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