
How to Check your bank account numbers linked to your Aadhaar card. How to link Aadhaar with required bank account if not linked.

Check Aadhaar Bank Linking Status to get Govt financial Scheme benefits- Mapping Aadhaar with Bank Account using Net Banking, Mobile App, ATM and Via Branch operations
Know your bank account numbers linked to your Aadhaar card. Learn how to link Aadhaar with required bank account if not linked. As per the Supreme Court of India guidelines, it is not mandatory to link your Aadhaar with your bank account anymore. However, Now the situation due to Corona Covid 19 pandemic lockdown govt helping the poor people by transfering money through the bank accounts which are linked with Aadhaar numbers. Check the bank account Aadhaar linking status to get the benefits of Covid 19 financial schemes of Central and State Governments directly through their bank account. If your Aadhaar number not linked with your bank account , you have to link Aadhaar number to Bank a/c to get Govt financial Scheme benefits .. here the different ways are available to link the aadhaar number to bank account. Central Govt of India and State Governments are assisting poor people financially by transfering some amount directly to Bank Accounts for the Centrally Sponsored schemes like Pradhan Manthri Jan Dhan Yojana, PM Kisan Samman Yojana. The amount transfered to eligible candiates through their bank accounts. Govts are saying that they failed to transfer the amount to accounts due not linking the accounts with Aadhaar. Telangana State Governement stated that they were unable to transferthe amount to some people because of this problem.  Banks also checking the status of Aadhaar Bank account mapping while giving Home Loans, Personal Loans Business loans to citizens of India. So every citizen of India need to Link their Aadhaar with Bank Account. We are provinding How to Check Bank Account Aadhaar Linking Status. Know the Process mapping Aadhaar with Bank Account using Net Banking Mobile App ATM and Via Branch operations in this page.

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How to Check the Aadhaar Bank Account Linking Status
Step1: Fisrt Visit the Aadhaar official website Website www.uidai.gov.in
Step2:  Go to My Aadhaar Section
Step3: Click on Check Aadhaar Bank Account Linking Status

Step4: Enter 12 digits Aadhaar Number
Step5: Enter Security Code
Step6: Click on Send OTP
Step7: An OTP will be sent to your Registered Mobile Number
Step8: Enter OTP and Click on Submit
Step9: Status of Aadhaar Bank Account will be displayed with year of Mapped
Step10:  If the linking was successful, the page would read ‘Congratulation! Your Aadhaar - Bank Mapping has been done.’.Aadhaar Number :xxxxxxxxxxxx
Bank Linking Status : Active
Bank Linking Date :
Bank Name:
If your Aadhaar number not linked with your bank account , you have to link Aadhaar number to Bank a/c to get Govt Scheme benefits .. Here are the steps you can follow if you choose to link your Aadhaar with your bank account.

How to Link Aadhaar with Bank Account using ATM

  1. Go to your bank’s ATM.
  2. Follow the process as drawing Money.
  3. Select the option allows you to link your Aadhar.
  4. Enter your Aadhaar number and confirm it

How to Link Aadhaar with Bank Account using Net Banking
  1. Log on to your internet banking Account
  2. Navigate to the section to link your Aadhaar and bank account.
  3. Select the account you wish to link
  4. Enter your Aadhaar number, and Click on ‘Submit’.
  5. The last two digits of your registered mobile number will be displayed on the screen.
  6. The status of your request to link your Aadhaar will be sent to you via SMS.

Linking Your Bank Account with Aadhaar Through Mobile App
Many banks allow you to link your bank account with your Aadhaar number through their mobile app. Here are the steps that you usually have to follow:
  1. Download the mobile banking app from Google Play Store or App Store.
  2. Open the app and enter credentials associated with your account (username and password). If there is any security verification, complete that too.
  3. Click on “Requests”/”Service” Requests” or any other variation.
  4. Look for an option that says “Link Aadhaar”/”Update Aadhaar Number” or any other variation.
  5. Select the account to which you would like to link your Aadhaar.
  6. Enter your Aadhaar number (you may be asked to re-enter it for confirmation).
  7. Accept any terms and conditions, if applicable.
  8. Select “Update”/”Confirm” or any other variation.

Linking Bank Account with Aadhaar Via Branch

  1. Visit your bank’s branch.
  2. Carry your Aadhaar xerox copy
  3. Write a letter to the Branch Manger
  4. Submit the form along with a copy of your Aadhaar.
  5. After the verification process is complete, the branch will link your Aadhaar and your account.
  6. You will receive an SMS on your registered mobile number with information on the status of your request.

Updating Aadhaar Number Through Phone Banking
If your bank offers Phonebanking, you may be able to link your Aadhaar with your bank through this mode. You will have to call the Phonebanking number, listen to the prompts and select the option that allows you to do the bank account-Aadhaar linking. You will be asked to enter your Aadhaar number and confirm it by saying “Yes” or entering something (as prompted) on your phone to complete the process.

Check Aadhaar Bank Account Linking Status 

uidai.gov.in -Aadhaar official website

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Tags: How to Check Bank Account Aadhaar Linking Status. Know the Process mapping Aadhaar with Bank Account using Net Banking Mobile App ATM and Via Branch operations  Centrally Sponsored schemes Pradhan Manthri Jan Dhan Yojana, PM Kisan Samman Yojana also check the Aadhaar Bank account linking status. Banks also checking the status of Aadhaar Bank account mapping while giving Home Loans, Personal Loans Business loans to citizens of India. So every citizen of India need to Link their Aadhaar with Bank Account.

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