TS SSC Public Examinations 2020 New Guidelines to Conduct exams After Corona Lock Down In view of COVID 19 Pandemic situation with physical distance TS SSC పబ్à°²ిà°•్ à°Žà°—్à°œాà°®ిà°¨ేà°·à°¨్à°¸్ 2020 COVID 19 పరిà°¸్à°¥ిà°¤ుà°² à°¦ృà°·్à°Ÿ్à°¯ా à°•à°°ోà°¨ా à°²ాà°•్ à°¡ౌà°¨్ తర్à°µాà°¤ పరీà°•్à°·à°²ు à°¨ిà°°్వహింà°šà°¡ాà°¨ిà°•ి à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ à°®ాà°°్గదర్శకాà°²ు. The SSC Public Examinations March, 2020 were scheduled to be conducted from 19-03-2020 to 06-04-2020. Three initial Examinations were completed successfully. Examinations scheduled from 23-03-2020 to 06-04-2020 were postponed as per the direction of the Hon'ble High Court, Telangana State at Hyderabad due to lockdown on account of COVID 19 Pandemic. In view of COVID 19 Pandemic situation and mandate for maintaining Physical distance it proposed that only one candidate be seated per bench / row in a zigzag pattern. Hence the Examination Centers have to be doubled to ensure the above. In this regard the following steps to be taken to conduct SSC Exams : Identification of Additional Examination Centers. How to appointment of additional staff and more details given in the proceedings.
(Present: SriA.Satyanarayana Reddy, M.A, M.Ed.,)
Proc.Rc.No.25/B-1/2020 Dated07-05-2020
Sub:-S.S.C.PublicExaminations,March,2020–Steps to be followed for peaceful and orderly conduct of the Examinations due to Covid19–Reg.
Ref:- 1) W.P (PIL) No.53 of 2020 dt.20-03-2020 in the Hon'ble High Court of Telangana at Hyderabad.
2) G.O.Ms.No.54 General Administration (COVID) Department dated 28-03-2020.
3) G.O.Ms.No.60 General Administration (COVID) Department dated 19-04-2020
All the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that the SSC Public Examinations March, 2020 were scheduled to be conducted from 19-03-2020 to 06-04-2020. Three initial Examinations were completed successfully. Examinations scheduled from 23-03-2020 to 06-04-2020 were postponed as per the direction of the Hon'ble High Court, Telangana State at Hyderabad due to lockdown on account of COVID 19 Pandemic.
I would also like to inform that Hon'ble Chief Minister have announced to conduct the SSC Examinations in the month of May 2020 with permission of the Honble High Court, Telangana State.
In this regard the following steps to be taken.
1) Identification of Additional Examination Centers.
In view of COVID 19 Pandemic situation and mandate for maintaining Physical distance it proposed that only one candidate be seated per bench / row in a zigzag pattern. Hence the Examination Centers have to be doubled to ensure the above.
Hence you are requested to ensure that additional Examination Centers are identified in order to fulfill the above norms near existing Center.
How to identify the addl. Centers:
a) At present each centre has an average of 200 to 220 candidates per center. As per this arrangement two candidates are seated per bench/per row. Now for maintaining physical distance it is proposed that one candidate be seated per bench, per row in zigzag pattern. Hence additional rooms / centers required for the students.
i) If the existing centre is sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, the additional rooms / centers may be identified in same building. ii) If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, if another building is available in the same premises may be identified as additional centre.
iii) If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, then identify nearby school as additional examination center. 2) Appointment of Additional Custodians and Joint Custodians, Chief Superintendents, Departmental Officers, Invigilators and other Staff involved in the Examination duties at the newly constituted Centers.
How to appointment of additional staff:
i) If the existing centre is sufficient by increasing additional rooms / additional centers and appoint another additional Departmental Officer and Invigilators and other staff as per requirement.
If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, if another building is available in the same premises may be used as additional centre, appoint another Additional Chief Superintendent / additional Departmental Officer, Invigilators and other staff as per requirement. The Additional Chief Superintendent / additional departmental Officer will collect the question paper before the commence of examination from the exiting center and collect the answer books after completion of the examination and same may be handed over to the existing centre Chief Superintendent / Departmental Officer after completion of the examination.
iii) If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the as per norms, then identify nearby school as additional examination centre, appoint another Additional Chief Superintendent / additional Departmental Officer, Joint Custodian and Invigilators and other staff as per requirement. The Joint Custodian will collect the question papers along with escort from the existing centre Departmental Officer and handover the same to the concerned Additional Chief Superintendent / additional departmental officer and collect the answer books after completion of the examination from the Additional Chief Superintendent / additional departmental Officer and same may be handed over to the existing centre Chief Superintendents / Departmental Officer after completion of the examination along with Chief Superintendents / Departmental Officer.
3. Provide sufficient furniture and the logistics at the newly identified centers: District Educational Officers are requested to provide required furniture and other requirements to the additional examination rooms / centers from nearby school.
4. To see the Police Bandobust at each Examination Centers.
5. To arrange for cleaning all the Tables, Chairs, Door handles and Electrical switch boards etc., with wet cloth dipped in disinfectant every morning before the start of Exams.
6) To arrange for liquid soap, water and sanitizer at appropriate locations near the Examination halls for the use of students.
7) To provide separate room for sick students suffering from Cough or Cold etc., he/she should be placed in different room and allowed to write the Examination.
8) To identify reserve staff If any invigilator / other staff is having Cough or Cold he /she shall be replace with another person on reserve available by the Chief Superintendent under intimation to the concerned department.
9) To see the Medical Staff may be present at newly constituted examination centers also to attend the emergency cases if any .
10) Allow water bottles / provide water and to all the SSC students and staff at examinations centers.
11) To provide masks to all the SSC students and staff at examination centers. The District Educational Officers are requested to procure masks at their level.
12) Make necessary arrangements to accommodate the waiting Parents / Attendants at centers by providing Tent Chairs, Water etc.,
13) Obtain permission from the concerned authorities to permit the Parent/Attendants along with the candidates to drop at the examination centers daily Hence you are requested to kindly review the above and furnish detailed information in the checklist (Annexure-I, II 8 III) already furnished to you and submit the same to this office on 08-05-2020 by 11-30 A.M. Treat this reference as most urgent.
(Present: SriA.Satyanarayana Reddy, M.A, M.Ed.,)
Proc.Rc.No.25/B-1/2020 Dated07-05-2020
Sub:-S.S.C.PublicExaminations,March,2020–Steps to be followed for peaceful and orderly conduct of the Examinations due to Covid19–Reg.
Ref:- 1) W.P (PIL) No.53 of 2020 dt.20-03-2020 in the Hon'ble High Court of Telangana at Hyderabad.
2) G.O.Ms.No.54 General Administration (COVID) Department dated 28-03-2020.
3) G.O.Ms.No.60 General Administration (COVID) Department dated 19-04-2020
All the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that the SSC Public Examinations March, 2020 were scheduled to be conducted from 19-03-2020 to 06-04-2020. Three initial Examinations were completed successfully. Examinations scheduled from 23-03-2020 to 06-04-2020 were postponed as per the direction of the Hon'ble High Court, Telangana State at Hyderabad due to lockdown on account of COVID 19 Pandemic.
I would also like to inform that Hon'ble Chief Minister have announced to conduct the SSC Examinations in the month of May 2020 with permission of the Honble High Court, Telangana State.
In this regard the following steps to be taken.
1) Identification of Additional Examination Centers.
In view of COVID 19 Pandemic situation and mandate for maintaining Physical distance it proposed that only one candidate be seated per bench / row in a zigzag pattern. Hence the Examination Centers have to be doubled to ensure the above.
Hence you are requested to ensure that additional Examination Centers are identified in order to fulfill the above norms near existing Center.
How to identify the addl. Centers:
a) At present each centre has an average of 200 to 220 candidates per center. As per this arrangement two candidates are seated per bench/per row. Now for maintaining physical distance it is proposed that one candidate be seated per bench, per row in zigzag pattern. Hence additional rooms / centers required for the students.
i) If the existing centre is sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, the additional rooms / centers may be identified in same building. ii) If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, if another building is available in the same premises may be identified as additional centre.
iii) If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, then identify nearby school as additional examination center. 2) Appointment of Additional Custodians and Joint Custodians, Chief Superintendents, Departmental Officers, Invigilators and other Staff involved in the Examination duties at the newly constituted Centers.
How to appointment of additional staff:
i) If the existing centre is sufficient by increasing additional rooms / additional centers and appoint another additional Departmental Officer and Invigilators and other staff as per requirement.
If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the students as per norms, if another building is available in the same premises may be used as additional centre, appoint another Additional Chief Superintendent / additional Departmental Officer, Invigilators and other staff as per requirement. The Additional Chief Superintendent / additional departmental Officer will collect the question paper before the commence of examination from the exiting center and collect the answer books after completion of the examination and same may be handed over to the existing centre Chief Superintendent / Departmental Officer after completion of the examination.
iii) If the existing centre is not sufficient to provide to all the as per norms, then identify nearby school as additional examination centre, appoint another Additional Chief Superintendent / additional Departmental Officer, Joint Custodian and Invigilators and other staff as per requirement. The Joint Custodian will collect the question papers along with escort from the existing centre Departmental Officer and handover the same to the concerned Additional Chief Superintendent / additional departmental officer and collect the answer books after completion of the examination from the Additional Chief Superintendent / additional departmental Officer and same may be handed over to the existing centre Chief Superintendents / Departmental Officer after completion of the examination along with Chief Superintendents / Departmental Officer.
3. Provide sufficient furniture and the logistics at the newly identified centers: District Educational Officers are requested to provide required furniture and other requirements to the additional examination rooms / centers from nearby school.
4. To see the Police Bandobust at each Examination Centers.
5. To arrange for cleaning all the Tables, Chairs, Door handles and Electrical switch boards etc., with wet cloth dipped in disinfectant every morning before the start of Exams.
6) To arrange for liquid soap, water and sanitizer at appropriate locations near the Examination halls for the use of students.
7) To provide separate room for sick students suffering from Cough or Cold etc., he/she should be placed in different room and allowed to write the Examination.
8) To identify reserve staff If any invigilator / other staff is having Cough or Cold he /she shall be replace with another person on reserve available by the Chief Superintendent under intimation to the concerned department.
9) To see the Medical Staff may be present at newly constituted examination centers also to attend the emergency cases if any .
10) Allow water bottles / provide water and to all the SSC students and staff at examinations centers.
11) To provide masks to all the SSC students and staff at examination centers. The District Educational Officers are requested to procure masks at their level.
12) Make necessary arrangements to accommodate the waiting Parents / Attendants at centers by providing Tent Chairs, Water etc.,
13) Obtain permission from the concerned authorities to permit the Parent/Attendants along with the candidates to drop at the examination centers daily Hence you are requested to kindly review the above and furnish detailed information in the checklist (Annexure-I, II 8 III) already furnished to you and submit the same to this office on 08-05-2020 by 11-30 A.M. Treat this reference as most urgent.
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